I know most of you are thinking that this was a long-time-coming,
and you are so excited that I have finally taken the plunge into the world of
Ok, some of you are thinking that.
Someone MUST be thinking that….Melissa? Jamie? Come on,
Either way, here we are. And in efforts to pump you up, I
would like to share one of my favorite “Pump-Me-Up” YouTube videos.
Don't you feel pumped up?
Maybe I should start there. I really like YouTube videos,
and if I start watching one, I will watch them ALL DAY.
Babies biting each others’ fingers? Hilar. Unlikely animal
best friends? Crying. Stupid cat tricks? Peeing. Past SYTYCD performances? Sign
me up. A Joey and Pacey montage set to music? Yes, please (and probably also
I can get lost in that site more than anyone. So much so,
that I even started something called “YouTube Friday” where I send potentially inappropriate
and offensive videos to my fellow colleagues. And to answer your next question,
I do this on Fridays.