Friday, January 31, 2014

Through despair and hope, Through faith and love.

The last few months have taught me that life is an amazing thing.

As most of you know, my sister gave birth last month to two beautiful, identical baby girls. Depending on how well you know me, you may know that identical twins have always disturbed me. Not only is it alarming that they look exactly the same, but there are always those strange ones that insist on living identical lives: the way they dress, act, and live…all done in unison. There were these girls in college that we called “The Frat Row Bus Twin” that were always alike down to their hair scrunchie (Note: I did not go to college in the 80’s, which made the hair scrunchie weird enough on its own). And they didn’t even talk to each other. They just stood there, in silence, waiting for the bus, and matching.

When Pam told me she was pregnant with twins, she paused and asked, “Are you going to be ok with this?” genuinely concerned that I would not love my nieces. Of course I answered, “Yes!” but quickly followed up by saying that she cannot dress them alike. My gorgeous nieces (Alyssa and Brianna) came into this world on 12/5/13 and were both just over 4 pounds. I had never held anything so tiny…except the 3lb dumbbells I lift on occasion. I’m kinda a big deal around the gym – NBD.

Since the girls were so tiny, they spent two weeks in the NICU and I got to watch my sister become a mother, spending 15-hour days in the hospital supporting them. I have seen the change to motherhood before with Kim, but it is still unbelievable to me how quickly parents can attach to their children. How they instantly become their whole life.        

Look how tiny they are!!
 Within weeks, I was able to see six of my friends go through the same thing, bringing three new babies into the world – enter Desmond, Nathan and Brody (last names omitted for their protection). These boys would not only be future husbands to the Armstrong babies (obvi) but also would bring their parents more joy than they could imagine.

Me and little Brody - my future nephew-in-law
Recently, we have needed that joy as myself and those close to me have gone through some pretty terrible losses. Death is a strange thing. There are times that you can see it coming for months, and sometimes it happens faster than a sunset. Whether a parent, a grandparent, a pet or a friend, it brings on heartbreak, confusion and questions that rarely have answers.

Losing my aunt this week was absolutely heartbreaking, but seeing the strength of her family through it all was extraordinary. Somehow, they found faith in the circle of life that came in the birth of little Brody, and it magnified the love they are able to pass onto him and each other. We are able to remember my Aunt Char with a smile, knowing what an unbelievable life she had lived. Her legacy lives on with the following advice that will surely be passed onto the beautiful new babies in our lives:

Love your friends and family, find a job you love, treat yourself and vacation often, don’t sweat the small stuff, and always keep smiling and laughing.

Love to you all.