Monday, November 12, 2012

Jesse Mac poses a good question - "How do you sleep?"

Over the past 28 years, I have been working towards perfecting the art of napping. I practice on Sundays, and most recently during Bears games. The last 2 times the Bears won, I have slept through the game. I am not going to say I am the only one responsible for their wins…certainly Schmelter was in a bathroom somewhere adding luck to the team…but coincidence? Not likely. 

Not that I need the Bears as an excuse to nap – I can get a little shut eye pretty much anywhere and for multiple hours at a time. But when does a nap go from being A Brief Sleep to Damn Girl, Get up?!

Time to phone a friend. If you wished to remain anonymous…whoops.

 “I think that any time one sleeps at all during the day it's a nap. (The exception to this rule is people who work at night.) But I don't think there is a limit of time one sleeps to constitute said sleep as a nap. Fell asleep for 10 seconds at your desk? You just napped, my friend.” 
– Kate Storey, published New York Post author and fellow Crazy Aunt

 “I personally experience two types of naps: 
1) Power Nap - I perfected this in college. After a night of very little sleep, I would take a 15 - 20 minute nap; drink a DDP and be on my way like I had slept all night. This is probably my most regular nap esp post baby. 
2) Drooler - My intentions are normally to just take a power nap, but I end up sleeping for 2-3 hours. Drool is not required, but very likely in my case.” 
– Rachel Hubbard, owner of this amazing bracelet company and one of the coolest moms I know 

“Very easy:
1) Duration: 30 minutes to 2.5 hours.  Anything more is sleeping, anything less is nodding off. 
2) Blanket: Required, unless in a vehicle
3) Pillow: Not necessary
4) Alcohol: No (then it's passing out)
5) Time of day: Before 6:45 AM to 9:30 PM” 
– Mike Gutmacher, Reigning World Champion Napper (and rapper – have you heard this guy??)

 “To me, a nap is anytime you are asleep between the hours of 9 AM and 7 PM, lasting longer than 20 minutes. AKA something I'm never able to do no matter how hard I try! FML! #insomniasucks” 
– Melissa Hoger, Michigan's Favorite Southern Belle

“A nap, to me, is any time you fall to sleep (or intentional go to sleep) outside of the standard night time sleeping hours.  It can be for any amount of time.  Literally 30 seconds of eyes closed sleeping constitutes a nap to me.”
– Jordan Miklos, Facebook's newest face...with an even newer wardrobe I assure

“Well my naps have changed over the years. When I first started law school, a nap generally meant I was hungover, which meant I had a half eaten bacon, egg and cheese biscuit on my night stand and Twlight on repeat in my DVD player. Now my naps generally last approximately 1-2 hours. There is no TV on, I don't wear clothes, and one or two cats is sleeping on my face...I do not nap on my couch. Only yours.” 
– Melissa Cohen, author of Queen of Cohabitation

"A nap is between 10 and 20 minutes.  0 - 10 minutes is resting your eyes.  Over 20 minutes is sleeping." 
– Chad Lovegren, World's Shortest Napper 

I napped on Sunday for only 20 minutes and the Bears lost. Time to get back to my multi-hour nappy roots. 

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh I never replied with my response (sorry- newborn baby brain!) but I would have to agree with the overall feelings above. I too am getting pretty good at the ol nap these days! 2am feeding will do that to a person :)
