Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Haaaaaave you met Will?

You know those ice breaker games that you pretend to hate, but you secretly stay up at night thinking about what your perfect answers would be? You know – questions like: If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? What are 5 things you can’t live without? If you were stranded on a desert island…you get the point. One question that sometimes comes up is “If you could have one super power, what would it be?” While I have recently decided to broaden my knowledge of super powers, I can say that my answer to this one is always pretty generic. My super power would be Flying, so I could visit my friends in other cities, see the world, blah blah blah. But today, I was thinking about it, and I change my answer.

If I could have one super power, I would like some Will Power. Now, I know that all you physically-fit and budget-conscience readers out there are thinking that this is not an actual “power” and that I didn’t understand the question. Will Power is something you are born with! Not so, or at least not this girl. Let’s look at some recent examples:
  • When I woke up this morning, I decided that for breakfast I was going to have egg whites with tomatoes. I actually had a sugary coffee drink and an egg wrap with cheese and some sort of "artichoke spread." For those of you that don't know, "spread" is code for "creamy calories." So my wrap had "artichoke creamy calories" spread all over it. 
  • I decided last week I was giving up caffeine. Please see above for recent coffee intake.
  • For lunch I scheduled a salad sans dressing – Instead, I just finished a mayo-filled chicken salad sandwich and a delicious oatmeal and chocolate chip cookie.
  • I hit snooze on my alarm from 5:20am until 7:20am and missed working out this morning. I also did that yesterday, the day before, last week, last month, and 98% of last year.
  • I purchased 2 new pairs of shoes about 10 minutes after posting the facebook status, “Must. Stop. Buying. Shoes.” Those were 2 of 7 pairs of shoes I bought last week.
You get the point. I just was not born with any Will Power. So I guess until someone finds a way to package that up and sell it online with free shipping/free returns, I will just continue on my internal struggle with ol’ WP. And maybe, one day, I will Just. Say. No.   


  1. LOVEEE all of this. Totally relate considering the above mentioned bullet points were a daily occurrence for us...
